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A List of Characters from the first three Stone Island Sea Stories.  Not all characters are in all three stories.  Some have advanced in their career and life as shown by multiple duties or positions listed after the name.


ANDREWS, Jonathon                      Midshipman in HMS Theadora and HMS Island Expedition

First Lieutenant OGS Island Enterprise


ARTHUR, Sir Ronald                                                      Royal Navy Captain (Ret.), Ship Builder

BARRY, Lucius                                                                      Fourth Lieutenant in HRMS Furious

BANNER, James                                                                 Midshipman in OGS Island Expedition

*BARTHOLOMIEU, Nicholas                                          First Director of the Gallician Republic

later, Supreme Emperor of the Gallician Empire


BELKNAP                                                                                       Sailing Master, HRMS Furious

Bessie                                  Kalish matron, mother of Cecilia, cousin-in-law of Doctor Robertson

BIXBY, Quentin                                                                                Governor of New Devonshire

*BLACKBURN                                                                 Physician in Brunswick, New Guernsey

BLONDIN, Abigail                                                 Stone Island resident, originally from Vespica

BLONDIN, Jacob         Stone Island Resident, originally from Vespica.  Abigail Blondin’s father

*BONAPARTE, Napoleon                                  French First Consul, later Emperor of the French                                                                                                    

BRAXTON, Joseph                                                                                 President, Unity Congress

CAMPBELL, Sean                                                         Bo’sun’s Mate in HMS Island Expedition

Bo’sun in OGS Island Enterprise


*CARLISLE, Kenneth                                                              Lieutenant, Royal Navy (deceased)

CARLISLE, Glenn Lewis                                            Son of the late Lieutenant Kenneth Carlisle

CARTIER, Andre                                       Commander of French Corvette sighted at Cape Town

Master and Commander in OGS Rose Marie


CARTNEY, Stephen                                                                   Bo’sun in HMS Island Expedition

Transferred elsewhere in Royal Navy


Cecilia                                                                   Kalish maiden and Doctor Robertson’s protégé

CHAPMAN, William                                   Captain, Commodore Organization Maritime Service

CHESTERFIELD, Sir Vaughn                            General, Military Aide to Tritonish Ambassador

CLEMENS, Mr.                                                              Special Projects Secretary, the Admiralty

CLION                                                                                  Special envoy of Napoleon Bonaparte

COOK                                        Ship’s Carpenter in HMS Theadora and HMS Island Expedition

COOPER, Randolph                                          Master of Vespican merchant vessel Evening Star

DAVIS, Clinton                                                              Bo’sun’s Mate in HMS Island Expedition

Bo’sun in OGS Island Expedition


*de Vargas                                                                                      16th Century Cordoban explorer

DIAL                                                                               Master’s Mate in HMS Island Expedition

Sailing Master in OGS Island Enterprise


DOBBS                                                     Seaman in HMS Theadora and HMS Island Expedition

DOBBS                                                                                Sir Ronald Arthur’s personal secretary

DOUGLAS                                                                                                       Captain HMS Acorn

*DUBOIS                                                  French Navy Captain (mentioned in conversation only)

DU CHAMPLAIN, Major           Military Aide to Gallician Consul in Brunswick, New Guernsey

DUNCAN                                                                        Marine private in HMS Island Expedition

ELLIOT                                                                                               Midshipman in HMS Bristol

EUBANKS                                                                          Ship’s cook in HMS Island Expedition

Ship’s cook in OGS Island Enterprise


*FITCH                                                                            Reclamation crew leader on Stone Island

FOLSUM, Timothy                                                                  Topman in HMS Island Expedition

Transferred elsewhere in Royal Navy


FORBES, Ethan                                                                     Second Lieutenant in HRMS Furious

FORREST, Charles                                                                   First Lieutenant in HMS Theadora

First Lieutenant in HMS Doris


FOX, Jonathan                                                                               Vespican Joint Council Member

FRANKLIN                                                                        Cook’s mate in HMS Island Expedition

Ship’s cook in OGS Island Expedition


Fred                                                     Kalish Warrior killed during battle with Darnahsian Pirates

*GEOFFREY V                  Monarch, King of the Unified Kingdom of Grand Triton and Galway

*GEORGE III                        Monarch, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

Gertie                                                          Harold Smythe’s housekeeper and cook, Hiram’s wife

GIBBONS, Jonas        Schoolmaster in HMS Island Expedition, Vespican Joint Council Member

GRAY                                                                                           Purser in HMS Island Expedition

GRAYSON                                                                           Wardroom steward in HRMS Furious

HADLEY, Dennis  

Midshipman in HMS Theadora, HMS Island Expedition, OGS Island Enterprise


HAIGHT, Jack                                                                       Ship’s boy in HMS Island Expedition

Midshipman in OGS Island Expedition


HARDY, Thomas M.                                                                                     Captain, HMS Victory

HARGROVE, Sir James                                  Commodore, “Flying Squadron” of Tritonish Navy

HARRIS, William                                                                       Gunner in HMS Island Expedition

HENNESSEY, Dudley                                     Stone Island resident, originally from Great Britain

HENNESSEY, Isaac                                             Infant, born enroute, St. Helena and Cape Town

HENNESSEY, Maggie                                                                  Mother of Isaac, wife of Dudley

Hiram                                                                             Harold Smythe’s butler, Gertie’s husband

HOGAN                                                                                                  Seaman in HMS Theadora

HOOPER                                                                                   Seaman in HMS Island Expedition

HOPE                                                            Fleet Captain, North Channel Squadron, Royal Navy

HOPKINS                                                Seaman in HMS Theadora and HMS Island Expedition




HOTCHKISS, Isaac                                                     Flag Lieutenant, North Channel Squadron                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            First Lieutenant in HMS Island Expedition

Master and Commander in OGS Island Enterprise


HOSNER                                                                                    Seaman in OGS Island Expedition

HOWARD    Major, later Colonel, Regal Marines, Military Aide to Tritonish Consul, Brunswick

HOWELL                                                                     Master, English merchant vessel Ellen May

*HUMPHRIES, Sir John, KB,   Vice Admiral of the Red

                                                                                        Signs Pierce’s orders for Lord St. Vincent


HUMPHREY                                                               Proprietor, the Frosty Anchor public house

JACKSON, Granville                                                            Captain HMS Theadora HMS Doris

JACKSON, Leona                                                                                      Wife of Lowell Jackson

JACKSON, Lowell                                                                                    Captain, HRMS Furious  

JACOBS                                                                                     Seaman in HMS Island Expedition

JAMES                                            Lieutenant (commanding) New Sussex Naval Militia Salmon

JARVIS, David                                                                              First Lieutenant, HRMS Hawke

JEFFERIES                                                        Lieutenant Commanding Geoffeysland Brig Viper

JEFFERSON, William                                                                   Vespican Joint Council Member

*JERVIS, John (Lord St. Vincent)                                                         First Lord of the Admiralty

JOHNSON, Elias                                                                          Vespican Joint Council Secretary

JONES                                                                                           Seaman, HMS Island Expedition

KING                                                                                            Master’s Mate in HRMS Furious

KING, Phillip     Captain, RN,                                                Governor, Botany Bay Penal Colony

*KERSHNER, LORD                                                 Admiral, Fleet Commander, Tritonish Navy

                                                                                              Victorious at Battle of Gibraltar, 1806


LANCASTER, LORD                      Tritonish Ambassador to the Independent Lands of Vespica

LEE, Gerald                                                                                   Vespican Joint Council Member

LINCOLN                                                                  Sergeant of Marines, HMS Island Expedition

Lisa                                                                                                Serving girl at the Frosty Anchor

LOFTON        Seaman, Captain’s Coxswain in HMS Theadora and HMS/OGS Island Expedition

LUSBY,                                   Commanding Master, Phillipsylvania Navy Sloop of War, Sabrina

LYCOMING, Samuel                                                                 Ship’s Surgeon in HRMS Furious

LYNCH, Samuel                                                                 Midshipman in OGS Island Expedition

MADISON, Alice                                              Wife of Shostolamie, mother of Doctor Robertson

MALLY                                                                  Stone Island Resident, originally from Vespica

MANLEY, Ralph                                                                                     Gunner in HRMS Furious

*MARLOWE, Jacob                                             Admiral, Second in Command at Gibraltar 1806

MATHESON                                    Ship’s Surgeon, HMS Theadora and HMS Island Expedition

McELROY, Angus                                                       Captain, Commodore New Guernsey Navy

MCKENZIE, Thomas              Captain, HRMS Duchess Irene, pennant ship, “Flying Squadron”

                                                              Commodore (1st Class) Trafalgar Station Patrol Squadron


MCPHERSON                                                                           Seamen in OGS Island Expedition

MERCER, Samuel.                                          Prosperous merchant in Brunswick, New Guernsey

MERCER, Mrs.                                                                                            Wife of Samuel Mercer

MIDDLETON, Charles (Lord Barham)                                                 First Lord of the Admiralty

MIREBEAU                                                                                                       Captain, Perpignan

MITCHELL                                       Seaman aboard HMS Theadora and HMS Island Expedition

MONTGOMERY, James                                                  Captain of unnamed Regal Navy Frigate

MORGAN, Thomas                  Midshipman aboard HMS Theadora and HMS Island Expedition

                                                              First Lieutenant/Acting Captain in OGS Island Expedition


Morgan, Tommy                                                                      Son of Cecilia and Thomas Morgan

NEILSON, Garry                                  Sail maker in HMS Theadora and HMS Island Expedition

*NELSON, LORD, Horatio                                            Admiral, Fleet Commander, British Navy

NELSON, Oliver                                                                      Third Lieutenant in HRMS Furious

NEWBURY, Horatio                                                             Commanding Master, HRMS Hawke

                            Captain, HRMS Duchess Irene, pennant ship Trafalgar Station Patrol Squadron


NESBIT                                                                           British Marine in HMS Island Expedition

NIGHT FISHER                             Doctor Robertson’s cousin, Bessie’s husband, Cecelia’s father

NORTHCUTT                                                                 Lieutenant of Marines in HMS Theadora

O’BRIEN, John                                                              Sailing Master in HMS Island Expedition

Transferred elsewhere Royal Navy


OLSON, Dagmar                                                    Senior Captain, New Devonshire Naval Militia

PACKINGHAM, Vera                                       Resident of Stone Island, originally from Vespica                                                                                                                            Harold Smythe’s housekeeper and cook, later Mrs. Smythe


*PALMER, Charles                                                                                           Captain, HMS Atlas

PARKS, Professor                                                              Vespican scholar and antiquities expert

PHELPS, Joshua                                                                         Sailing Master in HMS Theadora

PHILLIPS                                                                                    Marine in HMS Island Expedition

PIERCE, Edward                                              Third Lieutenant in HMS Theadora

                                                       Master and Commander, HMS Island Expedition

Captain, OGS Island Expedition,

Commodore (2nd class) Organization Maritime Service


*PIERCE, John          Captain of the Foretop in HMS Atlas, brother of Edward and Robert Pierce

*PIERCE, Robert                      Gunner’s Mate in HMS Atlas, brother of Edward and John Pierce

PITT, William                                                              Prime Minister of Great Britain and Ireland

RANDOLPH, Richard                                                                           Governor of New Guernsey

READING                                                                                   Marine in HMS Island Expedition

ROBARDS                                                                          Captain, Tritonish packet ship Emerald

ROBERSON                                                                                    Midshipman in HRMS Furious

ROBERTSON, Doctor           Baltican trained physician, son of Shostolamie and Alice Madison

*ROCHAMBEAU                                 Rear Admiral, Gallician Naval Forces in Vespican waters

ROLLINS, Theodore                                                                 First Lieutenant in HRMS Furious



ROWLEY, Leonard                                                                       Fourth Lieutenant in HMS Atlas

                                                                                                                         Prize Captain, Tickler

                                                                                                                    Captain, HMS Lightning

                                                                                                                       Captain, HMS Hermes


RUIZ, Eduardo                               Cordoban expat, Master of Catamugen merchant vessel Sonya

*SAUMAREZ, Sir James                                                                                Captain, HMS Orion

SCHMIDT, Johann                                                                                 Seaman in HRMS Furious

Sharon                                                                                                      Isaac Hotchkiss’ intended

SHOSTOLAMIE                          Dream Chief of the Kalish People, husband of Alice Madison,                                                                                                                                           father of Doctor Robertson


SIMMONS                                     Gunner’s Mate in HMS Theadora and HMS Island Expedition

Gunner OGS Island Expedition


SINGER                                     Lieutenant, Regal Navy, pennant clerk to Commodore McKenzie

SMALL, Alan                                  Midshipman and acting Fourth Lieutenant in HMS Theadora

First Lieutenant in OGS Rose Marie


SMITH                                                                                                        A clerk at the Admiralty

SMYTHE, Evangeline                                                                          Daughter of Harold Smythe

Mother of Glenn Lewis Carlisle

Wife of Edward Pierce


SMYTHE, Harold                                                  Leader, British Island Expedition Organization                                                                         Freedom Colony founder, Governor of Stone Island


SOLLARS, John                                      Second Lieutenant in HMS Theadora, privateer captain

SPENCER                                                                        Master’s Mate in HMS Island Expedition

Sailing Master in OGS Island Expedition


STANFELL                                                                                                      Captain, HMS Druid

STANTON                                          Captain Defender, Commodore New Sussex Naval Militia

STEADMAN                                                                      Midshipman in HMS Island Expedition

Transferred elsewhere in Royal Navy


STEVENS, Roger                                                                   Midshipman, OGS Island Expedition

STEVENSON                                                                            Seaman in HMS Island Expedition

STIMPSON                                                                                         Secretary to Tritonish Consul

SULLIVAN                                                                                  Master’s Mate in HRMS Furious

SUTHERLAND, LORD                                        Tritonish Consul in Brunswick, New Guernsey

SUTHERLAND, LADY                                                                           Wife of Lord Sutherland

TALBOT                                                    Resident of Stone Island, originally from Great Britain

THOMAS                                                 Topman in HMS Theadora and HMS Island Expedition

THOMPSON                                                            Captain NCS Lorraine, North Charlenia Navy

TOMPKINS                              Rear Admiral of the Blue, North Channel Squadron, Royal Navy


TOWNSEND, William            Midshipman in HMS Theadora and HMS/OGS Island Expedition

                                                                                   Second Lieutenant in OGS Island Expedition


TWO DOGS                    In charge of Kalish Warrior detachment aboard OGS Island Expedition

VINCENT                                                                                      Cook’s Mate in OGS Enterprise

WARREN, James                                                                      Chairman, Vespican Joint Council

WHITCOMB, Ralph                                                                         Landsman in HRMS Furious

WHITE                                                                                 Master and Commander, HMS Hound

WILBERFORCE, William                                           Member of Parliament, British Abolitionist

WILLIAMS                                               Seaman in HMS Theadora and HMS Island Expedition

WILLIAMS, Thomas                                                                              Seaman in HRMS Furious

WYATT                                                                           British Marine in HMS Island Expedition

WYNDHAM                                                                                           Flag Captain, HMS Bristol



Historical or “real” characters.


Characters with names derived from a list of British naval vessels and their commanding officers.


* Characters that are mentioned or discussed, but who do not actively appear within the stories.



Page updated 11/20/2021


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© 2021 D. Andrew McChesney